** PLEASE NOTE: The Science Box Program is currently on hold until further notice. We hope to reinstate this program in the near future. Science Box Policies for Schools Schools may give the Georgia Museum of Natural History a deposit of $200 by check for the school year. Any teacher from that school will have borrowing privileges. The school is responsible for sending the museum a list of its teachers for reference that can be kept on file. Only four boxes may be loaned to that school at any one time. Teachers are responsible for the care of the boxes checked out in their name. Individual teachers from the schools must abide by the Museum policies and procedures written for teachers/individuals/small groups. Loss/damage fees accrued will be deducted from the school deposit. If they chose, the school will be responsible for collecting fees from the individual teacher that caused the damage. If loss/damage fees are deducted from the deposit, the school must pay the difference to maintain $200 for the rest of the school year. If $200 is not maintained, the teachers of that school will only be allowed to borrow as many boxes as the deposit can cover at $50 per box. If individual teachers from a school fail to abide by the policies and procedures, they may lose borrowing privileges. If multiple teachers from a school fail to abide by the policies and procedures, the school will lose its borrowing privileges. Individual teachers will then be responsible for their own deposits. Procedures for reservations, check out, and check in, will be the same as those outlined in the policies and procedures for teachers/individuals/small groups. Science Box Policies for Teachers and Small Groups If you want to borrow a science box: Call (706-542-1663) or e-mail (musinfo@uga.edu) and confirm that the box is available for the week that you need it. Reservations must be made at least two weeks in advance. Once you have confirmed availability, download the pdf form for borrowing that box. Fill out all requested information online and print the form. Sign the form and enclose a deposit check for $50 per box, made out to the Georgia Museum of Natural History. You must use a check with your name on it or a school check. Forty-five dollars of this amount is refundable (see item #12 below.) Mail the form and check to: Science Box Program, Georgia Museum of Natural History, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602 Once we have received your check, your reservation will be confirmed by e-mail. Please note that your check will be cashed/deposited. There is a two week loan period for a science box. Individuals may borrow up to 2 boxes at a time. Picking up the box: You must come to the museum during regular office hours (M-F, 8-4). The borrower should call or e-mail the museum to confirm pick-up time. The boxes are heavy and contain fragile items, so you will need a vehicle to transport the box. Parking is available at the museum. Borrowers must present one form of identification when picking up the box such as a valid driver's license or picture I.D. If the box is reserved, but not picked up at the arranged time, the borrower will forfeit $10 of the deposit. Failure to use a reserved box impacts other borrowers. Borrowers accept responsibility for all science box materials. Borrowers should handle the science box materials according to the instructions inside each box. Returning the box: Please return the box during regular office hours. Boxes may not be dropped off and left without a museum staff/volunteer checking it in. Failure to check-in boxes may result in the loss of borrowing privileges. Once we have checked the box and confirmed that everything is returned and in good condition, we will process a check request to UGA Accounts Payable to return your deposit (minus $5/box to allow us to replace items from wear and tear over time). If you will be borrowing another science box during the school year, you can choose to leave your deposit check on account for the remainder of the academic year. It is the responsibility of the borrower to ask for the refund of the deposit when the box is returned. If any science box materials are lost or damaged, the borrower is responsible for the replacement value. The replacement value will be deducted from the loss/damage deposit. If the cost of replacement exceeds the damage deposit, the borrower will be charged the additional fees. The borrower will lose borrowing privileges until these fees are paid. These fees will be paid by check. Borrowers will be charged a $25 fee for all returned checks. Returned checks may result in the loss of borrowing privileges. Failure to comply with the policies of the Georgia Museum of Natural History will result in loss of borrowing privileges.