It is the policy of the Georgia Museum of Natural History to provide limited information to researchers and non-profit organizations for no fee. Requests for large amounts of information that would require extensive hours of work by museum personnel, or requests from for-profit organizations may require payment. Such requests must be negotiated between the Museum Director, Collection Manager, and the requester before the request can be processed. Requests for information may be sent via US mail or e-mail. The Museum reserves the right to refuse a loan of any specimens. Loan Requests YOU MUST INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IN YOUR REQUEST: Your name Position or title Your institution or company's name and mailing address Email Telephone number Please include a description of the information you are requesting and why you are requesting it Requests for loans should be directed to the following personnel: Arthropods (Insects)Hoebeke, R. (706) Arthropods (Insects)Smith, C. (Dr.)(706) Economic GeologyCrowe, D. E. (Dr.)(706) GeologySchroeder, P. A. (Dr.)(706) Herbarium, Botany DepartmentZomlefer, W. B. (Dr.)(706) Herpetology (Reptiles and Amphibians)MammalogyOrnithology (Birds)Pontzer, Ichthyology (Fish)Pontzer, Invertebrate (Non-insects)Wares, John (Dr.) Mycology (Mushrooms / Fungi)Lodge, D. J. (Dr.) PaleontologyWalker, S. (Dr.)(706)