Click here to download a .pdf of the reservation form and content list. Specimens Fossil shell (3) Fossil shell Cast of clam interior Mold of snail shell Fossil shell Shrimp Burrow-Trace fossil Fossil Tooth-Giant White Shark Crocodile skin scale (2) Turtle scutes (4) Fish skeleton Turtle scutes (2) Horse tooth Horse tooth Mammoth tooth Titanothere tooth Mastadon tooth fragment Oreodont tooth Mammal grinding molar Mammal grinding molar Mammal shearing carnassiae Reptile tooth Deer-like mammal tooth Marine mammal tooth Marine mammal tooth Mammal incisor tooth Deer: long bones, jaw, tooth Bone that has been replaced Toe & vertebrae bone Deer: long & antler bone Whale ear Assorted bone fragments (3) Toe bone Rhinoceroses jaw, teeth Bone fragments (mineralized) Bone fragments (mineralized) End of long bone Cast of bison-like mammal's jaw with teeth Various shark teeth Fish vertebrae, dental plates of ray, lower fish jaw Books Fossils Fossil Vertebrates Dinosaur Hunters How & Why Activity: Dinosaurs Illustrated Fossils of the Ga. Coastal Plain Prehistoric Vertebrates of the Ga. Coastal Plain Miscellaneous Fossil Glutton Fossil Collection Laws of GA GMNH Educational Supplement Notebook Activities AudioVisual