Trillium Foetidissimum The University of Georgia Herbarium, founded in the 1920's, is one of the largest herbaria in the southeastern United States with over 280,000 sheets of vascular plants from around the world. The Herbarium serves as a research collection of pressed, dried, and labeled plant specimens arranged by a classification scheme. It is located on campus in the Miller Plant Sciences building. Curator Dr. Wendy B. Zomlefer regularly takes interns. Items from the Collection White Wild indigo Baptisia alba (“White wild indigo”) is a perennial that can be found in dry woods from Tennessee and North Carolina to Florida. Dwarf Palmetto Sabal minor (“Dwarf palmetto) is a species of palm native to the Southeast. It thrives in a diversity of habitats including forests, swamps, and floodplains. Hooded Pitcher Plant Sarracenia minor (“Hooded pitcher plant”) is a carnivorous plant native to North America that grows throughout the coastal plain in Florida north to North Carolina.