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Georgia's Native Americans Science Box Contents

Click here to download a .pdf of the reservation form and content list.


Grinding Stone  Paddled Pot
Basket Replica Wooden Ceramics Paddle
Box Turtle Shell Fragment Catfish Skull Bone Fragment
Turkey Tarsometatarsus Racoon Jaw and teeth
Fox Squirrel Jaw Whelk shell bowl
Freshwater Clam shell halves Whelk shell operculum
Bear Toe Alligator Gar Skull
Plant Presses (3) Wild Plant Playing Cards (4 sets)
Beans Mixed Nuts
Bedstraw Blackberry
Cane Corn
Yaupon Holly Muscadine
Osage Orange Pecan
Yellow Root Witch Hazel
Red Oak Pokeweed
Wild Onion Willow


The First Strawberries: A Cherokee Story The First American Gardening: Stories, Projects and Recipes for Families
Keepers of the Animals: Native America Stories & Wildlife Activities for Children Keepers of Life: Discovering Plants Through Native American Stories and Earth Activities for Children
Whitetail Deer: Our World Wildlife Series Southeastern Indians: Life Portraits-A Catalogue of Pictures 1564-1860
Cherokee Plants and Their Uses-A 400 Year Old History New World Harvest: A Teacher's Manuel
Collecting and Preserving Plants Native American Crafts and Skills
The Cherokees: Past and Present The Cherokees: A First Americans Book
Native Americans Native American Foods and Cookery


Native American Tribe Chart



Humans in the Landscape CD


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