Sally E. Walker is a Professor of Paleontology at the University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia, USA, and is a specialist in fossil forensics (taphonomy and paleoecology). She is most interested in how biological, physical and chemical factors affect the preservation of marine organisms in modern and fossil deposits (this includes dissolution of carbonate, effects of predation or ice scour on shell integrity, and the effects of encrusting and bioeroding organisms on preserving or destroying carbonate shells). Currently, she is working with Ph.D., M.S. and undergraduate students on three projects: 1) The Antarctic Scallop, Adamussium colbecki, as an ecosystem engineer; 2) Taphonomy and paleoecology of the biota within the middle Cambrian Conasauga Formation; and 3) the Middle Miocene Climatic Optimum. She is a founding member of the Shelf-Slope Experimental Taphonomy Initiative (SSETI) that is an on-going research initiative focused on the preservation and/or destruction of various types of carbonate (crustacea, molluscs, echinoderms) and wood experimentally-deployed along shallow shelf to deep-sea depths in the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean. She is most known for her work doing field experimental taphonomy in marine systems, which she modeled after Dr. Anna Kay Behrensmeyer's terrestrial work in Africa. Dr. Walker is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), a Paleontological Society Fellow, a Fellow of the Explorers Club and has an Antarctic Service Medal (NSF).
- 2008-Present, Professor, Geology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA
- 2008-Present, Professor, Marine Sciences, University of Georgia, Athens, GA [co-staffed]
- 2001, Research Associate, Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio
- 1998-2007, Associate Professor, Geology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA
- 1998-2007, Associate Professor, Marine Sciences, University of Georgia, Athens, GA [co-staffed]
- 1997-Present, Adjunct Professor, Georgia Museum of Natural History, Athens, GA
- 1993-1998, Assistant Professor, Geology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA
- 1991-1993, Research Scientist, Geosciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona [Karl Flessa, adviser]
- 1989-1991, Post-Doc, Zoology, Oregon State University, Paleontology [Art Boucot, postdoc adviser]
- 1988, Ph.D., Paleontology, University of California, Berkeley, CA; Regent's Fellow [Carole Hickman, research adviser]
- 1981 - 1982, University of Washington, Friday Harbor Marine Laboratories, San Juan Island Washington; Friday Harbor Fellowships
- 1980 B.A., Highest Honors in Biology (special emphasis in Marine Biology), University of California, Santa Cruz, CA; Regent's Fellow [J.S. Pearse, research adviser]
- 1975 A.A., Liberal Arts (Pre-med, Art), Ventura College, Ventura, California
- Fossil Forensics, Especially Biotic Factors that Affect the Fossil Record of Gastropod Shells
- Shelf-Slope Trends in Carbonate Preservation and/or Destruction, Gulf of Mexico/Bahamas
- Experimental Taphonomy in Temperate, Tropical, and Polar Regions
- Biodiversity of Encrusting and Bioeroding Invertebrates and Protists in Temperate, Tropical and Polar Regions
- Antarctic Taphonomy and Paleobiology
- Deep-sea Paleobiology
- Predation
- Hermit crabs
Grants from NOAA and NSF have supported my research.
Selected Publications
- 2017 John, D., Medeiros, P., L. Babcock-Adams, and S.E. Walker, Cambrian triloibites as archives for Anthropocene biomarkers and other chemical compounds. Anthropocene, 17: 99-106.
- 2017 Walker, S.E., Hancock, L.G., and Bowser, S.S., Diversity, biogeography, body size and fossil record of parasitic and suspected parasitic foraminifera. Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 147: 34-55.
- 2016 Gardner, E., Walker, S.E., and Gardner, L., Paleoclimate, environmental factors, and bird body size: A multivariate analysis of avian fossil preservation. Earth Science Reviews, 162: 177-197.
- 2016 John, D. and Walker, S.E., Testing Symbiotic Morphology in Trilobites under Dysoxic and Oxic Conditions from Cambrian to Early Ordovician Lagerstätten. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 441: 704-720.
- 2016 Walker, S.E., Miller, J.M. and Bowser, S.S., Diversity of shell repair scars on the Antarctic Scallop, Adamussium colbecki. 100th Anniversary of the Western Society of Naturalists, Monterey, CA, abstracts with program, p. 121-122.
- 2016 Gardner, E., Walker, S.E., and Gardner, L., Is Lagerstätten bias responsible for preservation trends in the avian fossil record? Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 48: doi: 10.1130/abs/2016AM-287006.
- 2016 Cronin, K., Walker, S.E., and Bowser, S., Does sea ice cover affect growth in juvenile stages of the Antarctic scallop, Adamussium colbecki? Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 48: doi: 10.1130/abs/2016AM-285467.
- 2016 John, D., Walker, S.E., and C. Klimczak, 2016. Diagenesis of exceptionally preserved trilobites from the Wheeler Shale. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 48: doi: 10.1130/abs/2016AM-284862.
- 2016 Nolan, M., Walker, S.E., Sharma, A.J., Re-evaluation of the middle Cambrian sponge, Brooksella alternata, from the Conasauga Formation, Georgia and Alabama. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 48: doi: 10.1130/abs/2016AM-279168.
- 2015 Hancock, L., Walker, S.E., Perez-Huerta, and Bowser, S.S. Population dynamics and parasite load of a foraminifer on its Antarctic scallop host with their carbonate biomass contributions. PLoS ONE 10(7): e0132534 doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0132534.
- 2015 Walker, S.E., Hancock, L.G., and Bowser, S.S., Diversity, biogeography, body size and the fossil record of parasitic foraminifera Geological Society of America abstracts with Programs 47: 213. Talk for theme session.
- 2015 John, D. and Walker, S.E., Anthropocene overprints in trilobite biomarkers from the Cambrian. Geological Society of America abstracts with Programs 47: 574.
- 2014, Radford, D., Walker, S.E., and Bowser, S., Alpha and beta diversity of foraminifera that encrust the Antarctic Scallop, Adamussium colbecki: Ecological connectivity among shells and between sites. Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 44: 255-280.
- 2014, Gardner, E.E., and Walker, S.E. 2014. Preservation bias in the avian fossil record: a review and update. 10th North American Paleontological Convention Abstracts, The Paleontological Society Special Publications, v. 13, p. 148.
- 2013 Kling, C., S.E. Walker, and S. Bowser. Micro- and macrofossils from terrace deposits, Taylor Valley, Antarctica. Geological Society of America abstracts with Programs 45: 329.
- 2013 Hinds, M., S.E. Walker, and S. Bowser. Iron in marine sediments from Explorers Cove and adjacent sites in McMurdo Sound, Ross Sea, Antarctica. Geological Society of America abstracts with Programs 45: 541.
- 2013, Walker, S.E., Secrets of the shoreline revealed by the tracks in the sands of time. Review of A. Martin's Life Traces of the Georgia coast: Revealing the Unseen Lives of Plants and Animals. Evolution: This View of Life: http://www.thisviewoflife.com/index.php/magazine/articles/secrets-of-coastal-creatures-revealed-by-their-tracks-trails-and-burrows-in. Invited Book Review.
- 2012 Pérez-Huerta, A., R. Greenberger, P. Aharon, and S.E. Walker, Carbonate biomineralization in extreme environments. Gordon Conference on Biomineralization. Invited International Gordon Conference meeting.
- 2012 Gardner, E. and S.E. Walker, Effects of scavenging on avian bone preservation potential. Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Sciences. Graduate regional poster
- 2012 Gardner, E. and S.E. Walker, Modern avian bone taphonomy at the microscopic level: Histomorphological and compositional analysis. Geological Society of America abstracts with Programs 44: 66-67.
- 2012 Miller, M.F., Bowser, S., and S.E. Walker, Diving for the sedimentary record of multiyear sea ice. Oceanography 25: 118-119.
- 2012 Powell, E.N., Xinping, H., Cai, W-J., Ashton-Alcox, K., Parsons-Hubbard, K.M., and Walker, S.E., 2012. Geochemical controls on carbonate shell taphonomy in northern Gulf of Mexico continental shelf and slope sediments. Palaios 27: 560-571.
- 2011 Lord, T., S.E. Walker, and M. Aretz, Mississippian (Serpukhovian) framework reef in Northwestern Georgia, USA. 11th Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria and Porifera, Liège, Belgium.
- 2011 Hadden, C.S., K.A. Johnson, S.E. Walker, S. Hakala, M. Rosenberg, and S. Bowser. Rapid recruitment of benthic foraminifera to experimental arrays in McMurdo Sound, Ross Sea, Antarctica. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 43: 659.
- 2011 Hancock, L., S.E. Walker and S. Bowser. Parasitism by the foraminiferan, Cibicides, on its host, the Antarctic scallop, Adamussium colbecki: A key to depth and environment. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 43: 379.
- 2011 Miller, J.M. and S.E. Walker. The extratropics as a center of diversification for irregular echinoids. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 43: 541.
- 2011 Burke, K.A., C. Hadden, S.E. Walker and S. Bowser. Finicky forams: Heterogeneities in recruitment on experimental substrates, Ross Sea, Antarctica. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 43: 86.
- 2011 Walker, S.E., K. Parsons-Hubbard, *S. Richardson-White, C. Brett, and E. Powell. Alpha and beta diversity of encrusting foraminifera that recruit to long-term experiments along a carbonate platform to shelf gradient: Paleoecological and paleoenvironmental implications. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 312: 325-349.
- 2011 Richardson-White, S. and S.E. Walker, Diversity, taphonomy and behavior of encrusting foraminifera on experimental shells deployed along a shelf-to-slope bathymetric gradient, Lee Stocking Island, Bahamas. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 312: 305-324.
- 2011 Lipps, J., K. Finger, and S.E. Walker. What should we call Foraminifera? J. Foraminiferal Research 41: 309-313.
- 2011 Brett, C.E., K. Parsons-Hubbard, S.E. Walker, C. Ferguson, E.A. Powell, G. Staff, K. Ashton-Alcox, and A. Raymond. Gradients and patterns of sclerobionts on experimentally deployed bivalve shells: synopsis of bathymetric and temporal trends on a decadal time scale. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 312 278-304.
- 2011 Krause, R.A., Jr., K. Parsons-Hubbard, S.E. Walker. Experimental Taphonomy of a decapod crustacean: Long-term data and their implications. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 312 350-362.
- 2011 Parsons-Hubbard, K., S.E. Walker, C.E. Brett (Editors), The Shelf and Slope Experimental Taphonomy Initiative (SSETI): Thirteen years of taphonomic observations on carbonate and wood in the Bahamas and Gulf of Mexico. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology Special Volume, Vo.l. 312 (issues 3-4).
- 2011 Parsons-Hubbard, K., C. Brett, and S.E. Walker. Taphonomic field experiments and the role of the Shelf and Slope Experimental Taphonomy Initiative. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 312 195-208.
- 2011 Heise, E.A., A. Raymond, K. Parsons-Hubbard, S.E. Walker, G. Staff, E.A. Powell, C. Brett, and K.A. Ashton-Alcox. Wood taphonomy in a tropical marine carbonate environment: Experimental results from Lee Stocking Island, Bahamas. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 312 363-379.
- 2011 Powell, E.N., G.M. Staff, W.R. Callender, K.A. Ashton-Alcox, C.E. Brett, K.M. Parsons-Hubbard, S.E. Walker and A. Raymond. Taphonomic degradation of molluscan remains during thirteen years on the continental shelf and slope of the northerwestern Gulf of Mexico. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 312: 209-232.
- 2011 Powell, E.N., G.M. Staff, W.R. Callender, K.A. Ashton-Alcox, C.E. Brett, K.M. Parsons-Hubbard, S.E. Walker and A. Raymond. The influence of molluscan taxon on taphofacies development over a broad range of environments of preservation: The SSETI experience. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 312: 233-264.
- 2011 Powell, E.N., W. Callender, G. Staff, K. Parsons-Hubbard, C. Brett, S.E. Walker, A. Raymond, K. Ashton-Alcox, The relationship of bionts and taphonomic processes in molluscan taphofacies formation on the continental shelf and slope: eight-year trends--Gulf of Mexico. Facies 57: 15-37.
- 2010 Walker, S.E., J. Miller, and S. Bowser. Shell-crushing predation on the Antarctic scallop, Adamussium colbecki. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 42: 98.
- 2010 Teeter, W.H., S.E. Walker, and S. Bowser. Predictions for dissolution of Antarctic bivalves under ocean acidification scenarios. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 42: 260.
- 2010 Radford, D.T., S.E. Walker, and S. Bowser. Diversity and relative abundance of encrusting foraminifera on the Antarctic scallop, Adamussium colbecki in relation to sea-ice conditions and sea-water chemistry. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 42: 438.
- 2010 Gardner, E. and S.E. Walker. A review and modern field study of preservational bias affecting the avian fossil record. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 42: 634.
- 2010 Murray, K., M. Miller, Bowser, S., and S.E. Walker. Sediment transport and depositional processes in ice-covered Explorers Cove, Antarctica. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 42: 527.
- 2010 Miller, Justin, J. Shevtsov, S.E.Walker, S.S. Bowser, Adamussium colbecki: a carbonate biomass powerhouse in Antarctica. PS1-C.61, International Polar Year 2010, Oslo, Norway. https://elsevier.conference services.net /resources/247/1976/pdf/Oslo2010_1693.pdf
- 2010 W. Teeter, D. Radford, S.E. Walker, and S.S. Bowser, The predicted impact of ocean acidification on Antarctic bivalves. International Polar Year 2010, Oslo,
- Norway. http://ipy-osc.no/abstract/381255.
- 2010 D. Radford, W. Teeter, S.E. Walker, and S.S. Bowser, Encrusting foraminifera on the Antarctic scallop, Adamussium colbecki: biodiversity and relative abundance may vary with sea-ice conditions and seawater chemistry. International Polar Year 2010, Oslo, Norway. https://elsevier.conferenceservices.net/resources/247/1976/pdf/Oslo2010_0844.pdf
- 2009 Walker, S. E., E. Hogan, K. Meazell, M. Henderson, L.B. Railsback, C., Fleisher, and S. Wyld. Trilobite transport, taphonomy, and turbidites: The Cambrian Conasauga Shale Lagerstätt Revisited. International Conference on the Cambrian Explosion, Walcott 2009, M. Smith, L. O’Brien, and J-B. Caron (Eds.), Canada, p. 95.
- 2009 Walker, S.E., K. Parsons-Hubbard, K., S. Bowser, and S. Richardson-White. Preservation potential and carbonate biomass of epibiota: Protist communities from subtropical and polar shelly habitats. Geological Society of America, Abstracts withPrograms 41: 706.
- 2009 Gardner, E. and S.E. Walker, Climate matters: comparing avian bone taphonomy in warm temperate vs. subtropical environments. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 41:628.
- 2009 Lord, E. and S.E. Walker, The paleoecology of a Mississippian reef from northwestern Georgia. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 41: 102.
- 2009 Walker, S.E., Parsons-Hubbard, K., Cai, W-J., and Hu, X., Breaking up is hard to do: Molluscan carbonate resists dessication after 13 years on the cold, soft-sediment deep-sea floor. Ninth North American Paleontological Convention, Abstracts No. 3, p. 216.
- 2009 Miller, Justin and S.E. Walker, Evolutionary implications of gastropod preservation on irregular echinoids representing different ecological burrowing tiers, Late Eocene, Florida. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 41: 390.
- 2009 Gardner, E. and S.E. Walker, Linking macro- and micro-level taphonomic alteration in avian bones as a function of age, sex, and environment. Ninth North American Paleontological Convention, Abstracts Cincinnati Museum Center Scientific Contributions No. 3, p. 345. Graduate national poster.
- 2009 Raymond, A., Walker, S. E., Parsons-Hubbard, K., and Powell, E. N., Mud, pine cones, walnuts, and wood: The fate of land plant debris in marine siliciclastic environments. Ninth North American Paleontological Convention, Abstracts Cincinnati Museum Center Scientific Contributions No. 3, p. 217.
- 2009 Murray, K., Richardson, E., Miller, M., Bowser, S. and S.E. Walker. Sediment texture in Explorers Cover, Antarctica: How is sediment transported from the Taylor Dry Valley to the ice-covered sea floor. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 41: 141.
- 2009 Miller, M., E. Richardson, K. Murray, K. Mead, S. Bowser, and S. Walker. Polar ophiuroid taphonomy: Disintegration and ossicle destruction of Ophionotus victoria in Explorers cove, Antarctica. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 41: 705.
- 2009 K., H., Miller, M., Mead, K., Richardson, E., Murray, K., Furbish, D., Roseberry, J, Walker, S. and Bowser, S. Observed vs. modeled abundance of the Antarctic scallop Adamussium colbecki in the Recent sediment record, Explorers Cove, Antarctica. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 41: 705.
- 2009 Mead, K., M. Miller, K. Borach, S.E. Walker, and S. Bowser. Bioturbation on Antarctica's Explorers Cove seafloor: why animal activity has a greater impact on the sedimentary record than animal abundance. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 41: 706.
- 2009 Parsons-Hubbard, K., R.A. Krasuse, and S.E. Walker. Taphonomic response of crustacean carcasses placed at the sediment-water interface at shallow to mid-slope depths in carbonate and siliciclastic environments. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 41: 707.
- 2008 Hogan, E., K. Meazell, M. Henderson, S. E. Walker, C. Fleisher, L. Bruce Railsback, and S. Wyld. Tectonics, Taphonomy, and Trilobites: The Cambrian Conasauga Formation Lagerstätte, Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 40: 503. Undergraduate national talk by K. Meazell
- 2008 Parsons-Hubbard, K., Powell, E.N., Raymond, A., Walker, S.E., Brett, B., Ashton-Alcox, K., Shepard, R., Krause, R., Deline, B. The Taphonomic Signature of a Brine Seep and the Potential for Burgess Shale Style Preservation. Journal of Shellfish Research 27:227-239.
- 2008 Powell, E.N., Callender. W. R., Staff, G. M., Parsons-Hubbard, K., Brett, C., Walker, S. E., Raymond, A., Ashton-Alcox, K. Molluscan shell condition after eight years on the sea floor--Taphonomy in the Gulf of Mexico and Bahamas. Journal of Shellfish Research 27: 191-225.
- 2007 Walker, S.E., Subtropical trophic cascades: Hermit crabs skew the functional ecology of gastropod assemblages. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 39: 6l0.
- 2007 Walker, S. E. Traces of Gastropod Predation on Molluscan Prey in Tropical Reef Environments, in: W. Miller, III, (Editor), Trace Fossils: Concepts, Problems, & Prospects, Elsevier, Chap. 18, pp. 324-344.
- 2007 Baldini, L., S. E. Walker, L. B. Railsback, J. Baldini, and D. Crowe. Isotopic ecology of the modern land snail Cerion, San Salvador, Bahamas: Preliminary advances toward establishing a low-latitude island paleoenvironmental proxy. Palaios 22: 174-187.
- 2006 Wysong, E. and S. E. Walker. Hurricane effects on molluscan death assemblages and their facies: San Salvador, Bahamas. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 38: 534.
- 2006, Walker, S. E., K. Parsons-Hubbard, C. Brett, and E. N. Powell. Discrete epibiofacies on experimentally-deployed skeletal hardparts, analogs for photic-zone depth determinations in carbonate environments. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 38: 515.
- 2006, Powell, E. N., W. R. Callender, G. M. Staff, K. Parsons-Hubbard, C. Brett, S. Walker, A. Raymond, K. A. Ashton-Alcox, Taphonomy on the continental shelf and slope: eight-year trends--Gulf of Mexico and Bahamas. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 38: 443.
- 2006, Raymond, A., C. Metz, S.E. Walker, K. Parsons-Hubbard, E. Powell, C. Brett, K. A. Ashton-Alcox, G. Staff, and W. R. Callender, The fate of wood in marine siliciclastic environments: A comparison of petroleum seep and non-seep environments. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 38: 443.
- 2006, S. E. Walker. Competitive interactions and their taphonomic consequences among the encruster guild. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs (Southeastern Section, Knoxville, Tennessee) 38: 22 Invited Symposium talk. Paleontological Perspectives: A Symposium in Honor of Frank K. McKinney
- 2006 Cai, W.-J., F. Chen, E. N. Powell, S. E. Walker, K. M. Parsons-Hubbard, G. Staff, K. A. Ashton-Alcox, W. R. Callender, and C. E. Brett, Preferential dissolution of carbonate shells driven by petroleum seep activity in the Gulf of Mexico. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 248: 212-228.
- 2006 Apedoe, X., S. E.Walker, T.C. Reeves, Integrating inquiry-based learning into undergraduate geology laboratories. Journal of Geoscience Education 54: 414-421.
- 2005, Parsons-Hubbard, K., S. E. Walker, C. E. Brett, E. N. Powell. Encrusting biont guild distribution on euphotic to aphotic hard surfaces in the modern Gulf of Mexico and Bahamas. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 37: 404.
- 2004, S. E. Walker. The Perils of Predation for Terrestrial Gastropods. The Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 36: 480. Invited Theme Session Talk
- 2004, Parsons-Hubbard, K., E. Powell, S. E. Walker, R. Callender, G. Staff, K. Aston- Alcox, and R. Shepard. Molluscs and crabs in a pickle: A brine-seep Konservat- lagarstätte. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 36: 66.
- 2004 Walker, S. E. In Memoriam Glenn Goodfriend (1951-2002), in: R.D. Lewis and B.C. Panuska (Editors), Proceedings of the 11th Symposium on the Geology of the Bahamas and Other Carbonate Regions. Gerace Research Center, San Salvador, Bahamas, pp. x-xi.
- 2003, Baldini, L., and S. E. Walker. Cyclicity and environmental variation in the delta 13C and delta 18O of shell carbonate in the modern land snail Cerion on San Salvador, Bahamas. 46th Annual Irish Geological Research Meeting, Ulster Museum, Belfast: Abstracts with Programs 46: 24. Invited international symposium talk, Graduate
- 2003 Walker, S. E., S. M. Holland, and L. Gardiner. Coenobichnus new ichnogenus, a walking trace from a land hermit crab, early Holocene, San Salvador Island, Bahamas. Journal of Paleontology 77: 576-582.
- 2003 Walker, S. E. Fables of the Deconstruction: Historical Geology Reduced to an Exponential Equation. Review of Michael Boulter's Extinction: Evolution and the End of Man. Palaeo-electronica vol. 6(2), http://palaeo-electronica.org, an international internet journal. Book Review
- 2002, Parsons-Hubbard, K., S. E. Walker, E. N. Powell, C. E. Brett, W. R. Callender, A. Raymond, G. Staff. Taphonomic trends in organism remains (molluscs, crustaceans, echinoderms, and wood) over eight years from shelf to slope depths in the Bahamas and Gulf of Mexico, in: G.A. Brock and J.A. Talent (Editors), First Paleontological Congress, IPC 2002, Sydney, Australia, Abstracts 68: 127. Invited International Symposium
- 2002, Walker, S. E. and Carlton Brett. Post-Paleozoic patterns in marine predation: Was there a Mesozoic and Cenozoic marine revolution? Paleontological Short Course 8: 119. Invited Paleontological Society (National) Short Course
- 2002, Brett, C. E. and S. E. Walker. Predators and predation in Paleozoic marine environments. Paleontological Society Short Course 8: 93. Invited Paleontological Society (National) Short Course Talk
- 2002, Parsons-Hubbard, K., E. Powell, G.M. Staff, W.R. Callender, S. E. Walker, C. E. Brett, A. Raymond. Long-term decay rates in organism remains from 15-600 m depth: progress report from 8-year experiments of the shelf-and-slope experimental taphonomy initiative. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 34: 36.
- 2002, Cai, Wei-Jun, F. Chen, K. Parsons-Hubbard, S. E. Walker, E. Powell. Carbonate dissolution/precipitation and redox chemisrry at a petroleum seep site in Gulf of Mexico continental margin sediments: evidence from fine-scale pore-water study. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 34: 334.
- 2002, Walker, S. E., K. Parsons-Hubbard, C. Brett, and E. Powell. Shelf-to-slope trends in biological taphonomy associated with experimentally-deployed gastropod shells, Lee Stocking Island, Bahamas, in: G.A. Brock and J.A. Talent (Editors), First Paleontological Congress, IPC 2002, Sydney, Australia, Abstracts 68: 164.
- 2003 Walker, S. E. Review of Paleobiology II, by D. Briggs and P. Crowther (Editors). Palaios 18: 582-586. Book Review
- 2002 Walker, S. E. and C. E. Brett. Post-Paleozoic patterns in marine predation: was there a Mesozoic and Cenozoic marine predatory revolution? in: M. Kowalewski and P. H. Kelley (Editors), The Fossil Record of Predation. The Paleontological Society Papers 8: 119-193.
- 2002 Brett, C. E. and S. E. Walker. Predators and predation in Paleozoic marine environments. In: M. Kowalewski and P. H. Kelley (Editors), The Fossil Record of Predation. The Paleontological Society Papers 8: 93-118.
- 2002 Kowalewski, M., Kelley, P., Bambach, R., Baumiller, T., Bengtson, S., Brett, C., Chin, K., Culver, S., Dietl, G., Farlow, J., Gahn, F., Haynes, G., Holtz, T., Jenkins, I., LaBandeira, C., Lipps, J., Van Valkenburgh, B., Vermeij, G., and S. E. Walker. The fossil record of predation: Methods, patterns, and processes, in: M. Kowalewski and P. Kelley (Editors), The Fossil Record of Predation. The Paleontological Society Papers 8: 395-398.
- 2002 Parsons-Hubbard, K., E. N. Powell, G.M. Staff, W. R. Callender, C. E. Brett, and S. E. Walker, The effect of burial on shell preservation and epibiont cover in Gulf of Mexico and Bahamas shelf and slope environments after two years: An experimental approach in: Aller, J.Y., Woodin, S.A., and Aller, R.C. (Editors), Organism-Sediment Interactions, The Belle W. Baruch Library in Marine Science Number 21: 297-314.
- 2002 Walker, S. E., K. Parsons-Hubbard, E. Powell, C. Brett. Predation on experimentally-deployed molluscan shells from shelf-to-slope depths in a tropical carbonate environment. Palaios 17: 151-169.
- 2002 W. R. Callender, G. M. Staff, K. Parsons-Hubbard, E. N. Powell, G. T. Rowe, S. E. Walker, C. E. Brett, A. Raymond, D. Carlson, S. White, E. A. Heise. Taphonomic trends along a forereef slope: Lee Stocking Island, Bahamas. I. Location and Water Depth. Palaios 17: 50-65.
- 2002 Staff, G., W. R. Callender, E. N. Powell, K. Parsons-Hubbard, C. E. Brett, S. E. Walker, D. D. Carlson, S. White, A. Raymond, and E. A. Heise. Taphonomic trends along a forereef slope: Lee Stocking Island, Bahamas. II. Time. Palaios 17: 66-83.
- 2002 Powell, E. N., K. M. Parsons-Hubbard, W. R. Callender, G. M. Staff, G. T. Rowe, C. E. Brett, S. E. Walker, A. Raymond, D. D. Carlson, S. White, and E. A. Heise. Taphonomy in the continental shelf and slope: Two year trends, Gulf of Mexico and Bahamas. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 184: 1-35.
- 2001, S. E. Walker. The Posthumous Life of Cerion. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 33: A-305.
- 2001, Baldini, L., S. E. Walker, L. B. Railsback, and D. Crowe. Cyclicity and environmental variation in the carbon and oxygen isotopic composition of the modern land snail, Cerion, on San Salvador, Bahamas. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 33: A-158-159. Graduate national talk.
- 2001, Walker, S. E., K. Parsons-Hubbard, E. Powell. Paleoenvironmental potential of encrusting foraminifera on experimentally-deployed mollusc shells, shelf/slope settings, Bahamas. Geological Society of America,Abstracts with Programs 33: A-160.
- 2000, Walker, S. E., S. M. Holland, and L. Gardiner. Hurricane Floyd's effect on the Cockburn Town fossil reef site. The 10th Symposium on the Geology of the Bahamas and Other Carbonate Regions. Bahamian Field Station, San Salvador, Bahamas, p. 26. Invited International Symposium
- 2000, Walker, S. E. and L. Gardiner. Bionts on molluscs in modern and fossil reefs as useful indicators of environment and reef health. 9th Coral Reef Symposium, Bali, Indonesia, 23--27 October 2000, p. 52. Invited International Symposium
- 2000 Walker, S. E. A book of taphonomic revelations? A review of Taphonomy: A process approach, by Ronald E. Martin. American Paleontologist 8: 11-13. Book Review
- 2001 Walker, S. E. Paleoecology of gastropods preserved in turbiditic slope deposits from the upper Pliocene of Ecuador. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 166: 141-163.
- 2001 Walker, S. E. Below the sediment-water interface, a new frontier in taphonomy. Palaios 16: 113-114.
- 2001 Walker, S. E., Marvelously matched malacologists. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 166: 3-7.
- 2001 Miller, III, W. and S. E. Walker (Editors). Cenozoic paleobiology: the last 65 million years of biotic change. Palaeogeography,Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology Special Volume (v. 166).
- 2001 Walker, S. E., S. Holland, and L. Gardiner. Cockburn Town fossil reef: A summary of effects from Hurricane Floyd. 10th Symposium on the Geology of the Bahamas and Other Carbonate Regions, pp. 13-19.
- 1999 Walker, S. E. Ecological importance of terrestrial hermit crabs on the Galápagos Islands. Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Pacific Division 18: 86.
- 1999 Gardiner, L. and S. E. Walker. Stability of Pleistocene Reef Mollusk Communities from San Salvador Island, Bahamas. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 31: 469.
- 1999 Heise, E. A., A. Raymond, K. M. Parsons-Hubbard, S. E. Walker. Fossilization potential and recycling of wood by isopods on a carbonate platform. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 31: 421.
- 1999 K. M. Parsons, E. N. Powell, G. M. Staff, W. R. Callender, C. E. Brett, S. E. Walker. The effect of shallow burial and sediment type on shell preservation from shelf to slope environments. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 31: 419.
- 1999 Walker, S. E. and S. T. Goldstein. Taphonomic tiering: Experimental field taphonomy of molluscs and foraminifera above and below the sediment-water interface. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 149: 227-244.
- 1999 Parsons-Hubbard, K. M., W. R. Callender, E. N. Powell, C. E. Brett, S. E.Walker, A. L. Raymond, and G. M. Staff. Rates of burial and disturbance of experimentally- deployed molluscs: implications for preservation potential. Palaios 14: 337-351.
- 1998 Walker, S. E. and P. Van Cappellen. Geochemical dynamics associated with carbonate preservation of molluscan hardparts. Southeast Coastal Ocean Research (SECOR), Program and Abstracts, p. 42.
- 1998, Walker, S. E., P. Van Cappellen, A. Roychoudury, and C. Koretsky. Preservation of experimentally deployed molluscan carbonate below the sediment-water interface. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 30: 383.
- 1998 Parsons-Hubbard, K., E. Powell, R. Callender, C. Brett, S. E.Walker and A. Raymond. Rates of burial and disturbance for experimentally deployed shell accumulations from shallow carbonate shelf to deep clastic slope environments. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention Abstracts, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 17-28.
- 1998 Parsons-Hubbard, K. M., E. N. Powell, S. E. Walker, C. E. Brett, D. Carlson. Depth trends for encrusting organisms on bivalve shells from 15 to 285 meters, Exuma Sound, Bahamas. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 30: 117-118.
- 1998 Powell, E. N., K. M. Parsons-Hubbard, G. Staff, W. R. Callender, C. E. Brett, and S. E. Walker. Exposure vs. shallow burial of experimentally deployed bivalves: effects on shell preservation and on the types and distribution of epibiotic organisms. Organisms-Sediment Interactions Symposium, Belle Baruch Institute for Marine Biology and Coastal Research, University of South Carolina. Abstracts are available on CD-ROM. Symposium
- 1998 Walker, S. E. and C. Savrda (Editors). Ichnofossils: Linkages to life habitats and environments--an introduction to symposium papers in the current issue. Ichnos Special Volume 6: 1-3.
- 1998 Walker, S. E., Endobionts on modern and fossil Turritella from the northern Gulf of California region. Ichnos 6: 99-115.
- 1998 Walker, S. E., K. Parsons-Hubbard, E. N. Powell, and C. E. Brett. Bioerosion or bioaccumulation? Shelf-slope trends for epi- and endobionts on experimentally-deployed gastropod shells. Historical Biology 13: 61-72.
- 1997 Walker, S. E., S. T. Goldstein, S. T., and P. Van Cappellen. Below the sediment- water interface: Where is the taphonomically active zone for mollusca and foraminiferans? Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 29: A-266-A-267.
- 1997 Walker, S. E., K. Parsons, E. Powell, and C. Brett. Molluscan taphonomy from shelf and slope settings. Geological Society of America, Southeastern Section, Abstracts with Programs 29: 76.
- 1997 Walker, S. E., J. Carew, and J. Mirecki. Lichen-like pitting on Cerion from San Salvador Island, Bahamas. Proceedings of the 8th Symposium on the Geology of the Bahamas, pp. 190-195.
- 1997 Cadée, G. C., S. E. Walker, and K. W. Flessa. Gastropod shell repair in the intertidal of Bahia la Choya (N. Gulf of California). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, and Palaeoecology 136: 67-78.
- 1997 Parsons, K., E. N. Powell, C. E. Brett, S. E. Walker, and W. R. Callender. Shelf and slope experimental taphonomy initiative (SSETI): Bahamas and Gulf of Mexico. Proceedings of the 8th Coral Reef Symposium 2: 1807-1812.
- 1997 Walker, S. E. Sun hats and ichnofabrics: Fourth Ichnofabric Workshop, 15-22 March, 1997, San Salvador Island, Bahamas. Palaios 12: 609-612. Book Review
- 1996 Parsons, K., E. Powell, C. Brett, S. E. Walker and R. Callender. Taphonomic variability in molluscs on the Bahamas shelf margin and slope depositional environment vs. shell type after one and two years. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 28: A-364.
- 1996 Walker, S. E. Paleoecology and taphonomy of Cerion, a tropical, terrestrial gastropod. 8th Symposium on the Geology of the Bahamas, Abstracts with Programs, p. 14. International Symposium
- 1996 Walker, S. E. Positive interactions as a driving force in evolution and community structure through time. Sixth North American Paleontological Convention (NAPC-6), Abstracts of Papers. The Paleontological Society Special Publication No. 8, p. 412. Symposium
- 1995 Walker, S. E. Gastropod shells: An important resource for ichnofossil diversity or adversity? First SEPM Congress on Sedimentary Geology, "Linked Earth Systems," Congress Program and Abstracts 1: 125-126. Symposium.
- 1995 Walker, S. E., C. Brett, K. Parsons, and E. Powell. Molluscan experimental taphonomy: Shelf-slope trends for epi- and endobionts on gastropod shells. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 27: 133.
- 1995 Heise, E., A. Raymond, S. E. Walker, C. Brett, and K. Parsons. Taphonomy of wood, cones, and seed in marine carbonate environments: An experimental study. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 27: 134.
- 1995 Powell, E., C. Brett, S. E. Walker, A. Raymond, R. Callender, G. Rowe, G. Staff, and K. Parsons. The SSETI Program (Shelf and Slope Experimental Taphonomy Initiative): Description and progress report. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 27: 133.
- 1995 Walker, S. E. Taphonomy of modern and fossil intertidal gastropod associations from Isla Santa Cruz and Isla Santa Fe, Galápagos Islands. Lethaia 28: 371-382.
- 1995 Walker, S. E. and J. T. Carlton. Taphonomic losses and taphonomic gains: An experimental approach using the rocky shore gastropod, Tegula funebralis. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 114: 197-217.
- 1995 Walker, S. E. and J. Carew. Shell repair on Recent Cerion from San Salvador Island: Does it indicate habitat complexity? Proceedings of the 7th Symposium on the Geology of the Bahamas, pp. 97-102.
- 1995 Voight, J. R. and S. E. Walker. Geographic variation of shell bionts in the deep-sea snail, Gaza. Deep-Sea Research 42: 1261-1271.
- 1994 Walker, S. E. The collapse of modern and fossil mutualistic interactions. The Paleobiological Record of Global Change, Special Paleontological Symposium, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California. American Geophysical Union Special Symposium. Eos 75: 80. Symposium
- 1994 Walker, S. E. and H. R. Feldman. Phanerozoic patterns of bioerosion. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 26: 373.
- 1994 Walker, S. E. Biotic Interactions: Implications for Cerion biostratigraphy. The 7th Symposium of the Geology of the Bahamas, Abstracts with Programs, p. 20. International Symposium.
- 1994 Walker, S. E. and J. R. Voight. Paleoecologic and taphonomic potential of deepsea gastropods. Palaios 9: 48-59.
- 1994 Walker, S. E., Biological remánie: Gastropod fossils used by the living terrestrial hermit crab, Coenobita clypeatus, on Bermuda. Palaios 9: 403-412.
- 1993 Walker, S. E. and P. Hearty. Do Biotic Interactions affect Cerion-based stratigraphy in the Bahamas? Geological Society of America Meeting, Abstracts with Programs 25: 52.
- 1993 Walker, S. E. and S. B. Yamada, Implications for the gastropod fossil record of mistaken crab predation on empty mollusc shells. Palaeontology 36: 735-741.
- 1992 Walker, S. E. Turritellid taphonomy. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 24: 344.
- 1992 Walker, S. E. and J. Voight. Epibiosis, symbiosis and gastropod taphonomy in the deep sea. Fifth North American Paleontological Convention (NAPC-5), Abstracts with Program. The Paleontological Society Special Publication 6: 303. Symposium.
- 1992 Walker, S. E. Preservational constraints and ecological opportunities: The role of shell-inhabiting organisms in the fossil record. Fifth North American Paleontological Convention (NAPC-5), Abstracts with Program. The Paleontological Society Special Publication No. 6: 302. Symposium
- 1992 Flessa, K., M. Kowalewski, and S. E. Walker. Post-collection taphonomy: Shell destruction and the Chevrolet. Palaios 7: 553-554.
- 1992 Walker, S. E. Criteria for recognizing marine hermit crabs in the fossil record using gastropod shells. Journal of Paleontology 66: 535-558.
- 1992 Walker, S. E. and W. Miller, III, Organism-substrate relations: toward a logical terminology. Palaios 7: 236-238.
- 1991 Walker, S. E., Taphonomy and paleoecology of Villamil fossil megagastropods, Isla Isabela, Galápagos Islands, in: James, M., Galápagos Marine Invertebrates: Taxonomy, Biogeography, and Evolution in Darwin's Islands. Plenum Press, New York, Ch. 19, p. 423-437.
- 1990 Walker, S. E., Biological taphonomy and gastropod temporal dynamics, in: Miller III, W., Editor, Paleocommunity Temporal Dynamics: The Long-term Development of Multispecies Assemblies. The Paleontological Society Special Publication 5: 391-421.
- 1990 Walker, S. E. The Bermuda land hermit crab is not extinct, yet. Western Society of Naturalists, Abstracts: 64.
- 1990 Walker, S. E. and S. B. Yamada. Mistaken crab predation on empty snail shells. Western Society of Naturalists, Abstracts: 64.
- 1989 Walker, S. E., S. M. Kidwell, and E. N. Powell. Molluscan death assemblages on the Texas continental shelf are potentially local, not exotic, accumulations. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 21: 71.
- 1989 Walker, S. E. Biological taphonomy of two terrace deposits in the Galápagos Islands. Symposium on the Biogeography and Evolution of the Molluscan Fauna in the Galápagos Islands. Western Society of Malacologists Annual Report 21: 6. Symposium
- 1989 Walker, S. E. Hermit crabs as taphonomic agents. Palaios 4: 439‑452.
- 1988 Walker, S. E. Biological taphonomy and the temporal dynamics of the shell niche. SEPM Annual Midyear Meeting, Abstracts 5:56-57. Symposium
- 1988 Walker, S. E. and J. Carlton. How hermit crabs bias the fossil record of gastropods. American Society of Zoologists 28: 3A.
- 1988 Walker, S. E. Taphonomic significance of hermit crabs (Anomura: Paguridea): Epifaunal hermit crab-infaunal gastropod example. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 63: 45-71.
- 1986 Walker, S. E. The influence of hermit crabs on gastropod taphonomy. Fourth North American Paleontological Convention (NAPC-4). University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, The Paleontological Society Special Publication p. A48. Symposium
- 1985 Walker, S. E. Shell fouling organisms of Olivella biplicata (Sowerby, 1825) and hermit crab behavior. Western Society of Malacologists Annual Report 18: 29-30.
- 1985 Walker, S. E. Learning how to read the hermit crab's fossil history from Recent gastropod shells. Western Society of Naturalist's Program and Abstracts, p. 73.